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behind the lens.

hi, I'm timothy. or to be a little more exact, i'm just tim. if pressed to explain my art or my style, what gives me inspiration and vision, i could attribute it all to one thing... i have the distinct pleasure of true lovely wife, Kendra.

truly loving and being loved by another person exceeds description.  in an effort to fully know every aspect of the beautiful and remarkable woman that i married, i felt it necessary to also share myself with her completely, as well.  as layer after layer, and mask after mask fell away, as walls crumbled and the core of who i truly am finally broke free, it all became clear.  i reached a peace, a tranquility a moment of clarity.  i reached true happiness.  and i owe it all to the love of my life. 

Kendra knocked the chip from my shoulder, she loosened the knot in my chest, she showed me what was important in life (and it wasn't all the petty things i'd always dreamed of). she takes the time to understand me, she's seen me at my worst and she's why i now see beauty where before stood ugly and dark.  my camera helps me capture that beauty.  i may not know all of the 'rules' of photography.  i may not always make full use of my 'negative space' or other silly jargon but i love every photograph and wouldn't change a pixel of them.  i see beauty where others do not, and with my camera i snatch that beautiful moment out of time in an effort to show the world all that's around each and every one of you at all times.  you just have to be in the right mindset to see it.

without doubt, i am in love with my wife.  she completes me, she makes me strive to be a better man and i'd be lost without her.  if you know what i'm talking about, congratulations, welcome to the club and i extend to you a hearty, namaste.

  if you think my words are weird or impossible i suggest you keep looking because you have yet to find true love, and for that i truly am sorry.

as for the laid-back, friendly yet informal lack of upper case lettering on my site, i can assure you i've a perfectly good excuse... and it's not some foo-foo 'avoiding the appearance of pretension' or 'it's my humility' or 'low self esteem'.  no my reason isn't quite as deep.  my wife is the only reason i accept having to be bothered to press the shift key.

i love you, Kendra. always have always will.



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